As many people know, Cecile Richards is the former head of Planned Parenthood (she stepped down in January after running it for nearly 10 years). She’s also the liberal activist daughter of former Democratic Gov. Ann Richards of Texas.
Now Richards has a new book out, and she’s hawking it just about everywhere.
Really something to brag about about baby killer. You’ve been given the keys to hell and now you want to impress all of the young women of the world to enter in. Quite the trail blazer. You’re no mother Teresa in your efforts to make this a better world. Hitler maybe, in your genocidal approach to the unborn. Thank God that there are young ladies who still believe in the sanctity of life and choose to have their young instead of murdering them even if they’re an inconvenience to them, but then again, some people choose to be human and display love. I guess that ideology was never taught to you.